Peter Mahar Photography

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Roland and Lisa - Orcas Island

For my first time doing a destination wedding I of course have to wait the longest to make a blog post!!! I have wanted to look through all these pictures and post some samples for so long but have been busy with other stuff. What other stuff could be cooler or more important then a destination wedding in Orcas Island? Well I just got engaged!!! More on that latter but I think that’s a good excuse for being a little late (by Peter Mahar standards).

Let’s get back to business. Lisa and Roland are a couple of great people. Showing their love towards one another with simple looks and acts of kindness others around could not help but invest some of their own love to the couple on this joyous day. Besides the taunting dark gray clouds the whole day was perfect. Even those taunting dark gray clouds helped for some of the pictures when a perfectly “nice” day would have been too bright.

One of the best things about this wedding is that they wrote letters to each other and put them in a box with a bottle of wine that would peak in 10 years. Then on their 10th anniversary they will open the box and read each other’s letters as they drink down their wine. I love it.


Peter M.