Peter Mahar Photography

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Being Proactive!

The last few months I really feel like my writing “spunk”, or charisma has been seriously lacking. I don’t know if it’s lack of content, time, or even the motivation to write something spectacular. Sometimes I can’t find the time. Or when I do have time I am not in the “mood”, or it’s too loud, or I can’t think, or, or, or…The list can go on when it comes to excuses. Every once and awhile you just have to get up and do something about it. -

I have been reading 7 Habits of Highly Effective People recently and one of the “habits” is being proactive. Being a doer, and not just a talker. Instead of saying “That’s just the way I am.” Say, “I can choose a different approach.” Instead of saying “If only”, say “I will.”


As I was thinking about this simple yet intriguing concept I thought of my fear of flash photography. While I know you can do lots of cool things with it and even have more control over low light situations, I just never wanted to master it. Or so I told myself. I would say, flash always looks bad, natural lighting is much better. Which is true to an extent. If you are a pro with a flash then a lot of times it can look even cooler. But that always comes down to mastery of something right? Well I have decided to get over it, get out there and do something about it. I just bought a SB 900 flash for my Nikon and it should be coming in the mail soon. When it does you will probably be seeing some posts about the experiments I will be trying. We can learn flash photography together!


Until next time, rise off your butt, inhale some fresh air, and stop thinking about doing something and do it already!


Cheers, Peter M.


P.S I have also started to watch Top Gear (UK, and USA versions). FANTASTIC! You know what else is fantastic, I just saw that I have 300 likes! Thank you all so much for your love and support for me, it means the world to me! You have no idea. God bless you all, and may you all be richly blessed!


[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="640" caption="This photo which I still love was taken with a flash! "][/caption]