Peter Mahar Photography

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Christian & Courtney | Mississippi Wedding

We met Christian and Courtney at our friend Nathaniel's wedding a year and a half ago, and we totally had a couple crush on them--we even told them YOU GUYS ARE GORGEOUS SO UM LET US KNOW IF YOU NEED A PHOTOGRAPHER SOMETIME.

They really seemed like the real deal, so we weren't at all surprised when they got engaged not too long after! And getting to look forward to going to Mississippi to shoot their wedding has been so exciting.

There has never been such a consistent witness about two people--everyone who knows Christian talks about how kind, servant-hearted, and selfless he is. Courtney is overflowing-joyful, determined, has been known to rock a jumpsuit, and the founder of "Courtney face". Their commitment and grounding in Christ is palpable, and the level of joy and love their community has for them is deafening. (Maybe the loudest post-first-kiss cheer we've ever heard!)

Also, you know when you meet someone super unique and also 6'7? But then there's two of them? Christian's best man is his identical twin brother, Brittain. (We're also huge fans). Thanks for the being the stunt double, Brittain. :)

Beautiful ceremony at the awe-inspiring Christ Church New Albany, and reception at the Red Barn.

We had an incredible surrounding week in Mississippi & Tennessee with some amazing friends, a lot of sweaty car trips, and a lot of fantastic breakfast food. And we got to photograph the wedding with our Samson in tow (along with the blessedly helpful Bethany!)