Peter Mahar Photography

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Zach & Rachel | Alaska Wedding

Just last week I was privileged to fly up to Alaska and shoot our friend Rachel’s wedding. Susannah had to stay home with Samson, and the more beautiful and amazing landscapes I saw up there, the more I missed her! Rachel and Zach were married in a little chapel, Our Lady of the Snows in the Alyeska resort. It was basically the Swiss Alps--completely surrounded by magnificent mountains.

I hadn’t even met the groom (Zach) yet, which never happens. But after just a few hours I could start to see that Zach is an amazing guy. I was able to get into Alaska a day early and spend the evening with the groom and his groomsmen as they swapped memories together from when they were little kids all they way up to their adult years. There are not many people that have had lifelong friends like that. It seems like not that many people are loyal anymore, and it’s a very refreshing quality to see. Part of the bachelor party festivities included paying Zach to do various things, including doing snow angels in his underwear. 

Then came the wedding day. Zach was beyond excited the entire morning, getting up at 6:00 and cranking up the music. He also broke out in spontaneous dance, on various chairs and tables. Rachel was no less enthused about getting married to this guy--constantly just beaming as she waited to go down the aisle. They waited to see each other until the ceremony, and photographing them afterwards was such a blast--they had so much excited energy together!  It was “warm” for Alaska, reaching a high of 10 degrees and finally cleared up for us as soon as we reached the top of the mountain for a few bride & groom portraits. 

Loved getting to hang out with this great crowd--even for the after party!